Who is Carly Rorick?

Born and raised in Galway, NY I grew up on my grandmother’s kennel (Tartan Glenn Kennels) raising and training English Setters for Field Trials. Due to her declining health my grandmother could no longer run the business and our kennel days were over. However, I still chose to work with animals and rescued my own furbabies.

Through the years I have attended various dog training events, worked at pet oriented retail stores, etc.

I hold an Associates degree in Fine Arts, a Bachelors in Psychology, and am currently working on my Bachelors for Canine Training and Management. As of 2022 I have put this adventure on hold to concentrate more on the business and my growing family.

In December 2021 my husband, Josh, and I became first time parents to our son Channing. We are also fur-parents to two dogs (Kane & Lotus) and two cats (Trinity & Lionel). 

Q and A

Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions that are not addressed here.

Why are you no longer attending College?

Unfortunately, with growing costs of tuition and general cost of living, affordability to continue my third degree is not within reach. In combination I need to be available/present for my toddler and the commute is roughly one hour one way. All of these factors also prevent me from being able to concentrate on my business and being available for my clients when they need me.

Why do you limit your walk/visit time to 20 – 30 minutes?

Once upon a time I used to offer one hour long visits. This proved troublesome for scheduling as I had many other clients in need of visits around the same timing. I service two counties (Fulton, Montgomery, and very seldomly – Saratoga) and in order to fit all those in need I must limit time.

Do you deny services to specific breeds?

Absolutely not! Though, it is no secret that I am not a fan of small breeds (especially pocket dogs) I still offer them my services and treat them as best as possible. Bully and Shepherd breeds are by far my favorite and I tend to hold a soft spot for them. But no breed receives “better” services from me than another. They are still living creatures that deserve love and attention.

How do you configure your prices?

This is a tricky question. I take a lot into consideration with my pricing. First, I look at affordability that I myself would be able to handle or would be willing to spend. Then I consider my skills and knowledge. Third, and the most unfortunate factor, I take into account travel cost. Due to the nature of the business I choose to drive a larger vehicle in the form of an SUV which utilizes more gas than is ideal. However, this vehicle choice is ideal considering the equipment I travel with as well as potential transportation of animals.

Do you have any medical training for animals?

Truthfully, a large portion of my knowledge in this is hands on experience over the years. Although I am Canine CPR trained (RECOVER) and did choose to attend a field medical course at SUNY Cobleskill. This class was oriented more for working breeds, specifically law enforcement, but still easily applicable to many other situations and breeds.